Sunday 13 March 2011

Prank Films

As we are shooting a film based on pranks I think it is necassary that I did research on films that feature pranks and ones that inspire us to use it as our main theme.  I also payed attention on their posters for guidance on mine.

One obvious example is Home Alone because the narrative is based on Kevin setting pranks on the burglars to protect himself and his surroundings. I feel that we can look at some of the pranks and make it our own in our own style.

Dennis the Menace is another film that features pranks. I feel that this will help me produce my film so I will know what to do to make my film. It will also help me follow the codes and conventions of comedy films with pranks.

Below are other prank films with their posters.

Wednesday 9 March 2011



We decided to take pictures of our filming to see how we were doing and where to get to.

As you can see, the young man behind the camera was the cameraman for the film Astijus Kazlauskas. The girl beside him was the director, Antoinette Seki.

The young man with the baseball cap is me acting as 'Jack' and the other boy is Edward Obeng acting the character of 'Harry'.

Editing Log


Overall our storyboard took us the longest out of all the other sheets due to all the amount of drafts we had to do. This was all because we kept having new ideas and therefore a change of storyboard.

Storyboards help because it reminds me of how my film should look like and how the film has progressed from the very first one. We included details of types of shots and time so that it looked more professional and also so that we would know around how long each shot should last for.