Tuesday 29 June 2010

Oscar Award winners for cinematography

Dion Beebe Memoirs of a Geisha 2005

Dion is an Australian who started cinematography in 1989 and has worked on hit films like Miami Vice and Chicago. He won the award beating Robert Elswit who later went on to take the award 2years on.

Below are two great works he has done
First of all this picture is great because it includes a lot of information about her. The lighting is very strong as it reveals her facial expressions and body language. Through this I can see that she is about to perform because her costume is very designable and looks like a performance costume. Her face is also very pale and looking down suggesting she is about to come up or do something interesting or entertaining.

The fact that the lighting only displays the foreground tells me that the character is the main focus especially the fact she is holding her prop the umbrella. The medium long shot of her shows her from head to toe, telling the audience her body is about to do something.

This shot portrays the character as an actress or as if she's performing through the movements of her arms and facial expressions. Unlike the other one she seems to be performing already. The fact that her arms are in white and raised up on the black background tell me that that is what Dion Beebe wants us to focus on, which is supported to the fact she is centre stage.

Guillermo NavarroPan's Labyrinth 2006

A Mexican working in Hollywood since 1993 working on films like Stuart Little, Spy Kids & Hell Boy.

This image is powerful as it pulls us straight to the character in the center frame. His looks and hands are the main focus as he is supposed to look scary and his hands are holding eyes. The background is also very powerful because even though it blurry you can still see what is there which is fire and a gate. Guillermo Navarro done this to let us know about the character and setting but wants us to carry on watching to see more.

Robert ElswitThere Will Be Blood 2007
He started in 1985 and commonly works with director Paul Anderson. Good Night, and Good Luck is the second best film he is known for working on.
The long shot of the two male characters that are in front
of the cross suggests that they are in a church and perhaps speaking to the congregation. However as one is on his knees, the other is standing putting one hand on the other ones head supposedly praying for him. Robert may of used this so audience may figure he is the leading figure. As the cross is right behind them and shining, we immediately see it after looking at the male characters. Our eyes then lead us to the two female characters, one on each side. They are obviously part of the congregation but due to they are on each side could mean they have some type of relationship together and with the male characters. Their eyes also goes in line with the cross showing they are focusing on it or have a relationship with it. The lighting reveals the two males and their actions. It's also coming from the cross which could mean Jesus Christ gives light, in other words helps or shines.

Anthony Dod MantleSlumdog Millionaire 2008
Anthony is one of Britain's best known cinematographers. He is more popular with the digital cinematography. He has been active since 1990 and worked on films like Millions, 28 Days Later & Last King of Scotland. He beat Wally Pfister who was probably his closest competitor.

This is one of my favourite cinematography photos mainly because of the lighting and body language. The high key lighting on Dev Patel(character on the left) exposes him as the main focus, even though both characters are on each side and no one is in the middle, showing how lighting reflects on an individual. In the two shot the hand movement of Anil Kapoor right side) pointing to Dev also tells me the Dev is the main focus. It also could mean that he is about to do something as the mood is very serious which is clearly seen on both of their facial expressions.

Mauro FioreAvatar 2009

Italian born American Mauro has worked on The Kingdom and Training Day. He beat rivals like Robert Richardson & Christian Berger to take the award.

The lighting on this photo describes the location for instance the waterfall shining gives the sense it is perfect and not Earthly. The branches and plants around have lighting also on them, making them stand out suggesting the area is natural, fresh and clean and gets me thinking whoever is living here or around is environmentally friendly. The extreme long shot of the characters shows they are not the main focus and that we don't need to see who they are personal but only their actions.