Tuesday 6 July 2010

My film (made by pictures)

 I decided to take pictures of cinematography and put them together to create a movie. I also used a soundtrack (non - digetic music) to make the movie more interesting and to support the narrative. The song is by Nas and called 'I Can'. It is about how you can be whatever you want if you put your mind to it and work hard for it.

The first picture was used to represent the world. The tiny building in the center is the Earth as it's small and has darkness around it. Everything around is the universe as the trees are much bigger. The lighting only reveals parts of cars but not much of the car saying the Earth is filled with darkness.

The second picture shows poverty. I reveal part of a Estate  by its setting with rubbish bins outside suggesting that things to do with rubbish is part of the peoples life. The medium shot gives details about each window and state of them as well does the high key lighting.

Then is the medium close up of me looking at the expensive watch. The hat on my head tells the audience the type of character I am. As the expensive watch is away from me and I have a cheap half broken one near me, it represents my poverty. I'm also staring at the expensive one suggesting I want to have that or be part of that life (rich/successful)


A close up is then shown of me holding a weapon (prop) with my hands in a fist representing me as angry, meaning facial expression or body movements doesn't need to be shown to tell the audience how a character feels. As my hand is near the door it suggest that I'm moving there and the foreground is very dark showing I'm on my way to darkness which involves anger and can lead to all kinds of things.

The next is a medium close up of me staring up angrily. My body language is crouch revealing I don't like what I'm seeing. The lighting also reflects on my face showing my facial expressions which isn't pleasant. The fact that I'm facing the lighting shows I'm against the good side or not there.

The first one clearly shows loneliness as you see me by myself while on the other bench some students are talking together looking cheerfull. The lighting reveals our body language with me looking isolated and the other characters looking happy.

Next is a medium long shot of me center of rule of third. Loneliness is represented here through body language of me folding my arms by myself, with help of the lighting on me.

After themes
Then I show the medium long shot of food. This was used to represent life as you have good things which was the good food on the left (potato, water) and bad on the right (biscuits, ice crisps)

Then is a over the shoulder of me reaching. Around me is a room showing the setting. As I am reaching the lighting it represents me to wanting to get it. This represents me as wanting to change my life around as I am reaching for the light (good, joy, positive things).

Last is a close up of a key in which I say it is the key to success, basically meaning me trying to change my life around.

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