Saturday 3 July 2010

Recent Silent Films

Since the late 19th Century, films have changed dramatically to where they are now. Many production companies and producers today don't just make them for fun or for the sake of it, but to tell the audience a story. Directors tend to focus on a range of areas to make their movie interesting and to tell a story. These are through...
  • Sound ( soundtrack, voice over, parallel sound)
  • Mise en scene ( costume, setting, hair & make-up)
  • Cinematography( lighting, camera)
  • Editing ( dissolve, cut away)
Silent movies have still been continuing since they started and although they are not as popular and are very few, they still tell a story and keep audiences engaged without sound (Dialogue).

Mr Bean

From this clip I know what is going on without dialogue. Mr Bean is looking for trousers that is his size and then he sneaks and takes it of the man using the toilet. The storyline helps with the mise en scene and cinematography as it's obvious he's in the male area due to the changing room and characters. It is a comedy and clearly engaged with the audience with the narrative.


From this clip I know that the movie is about life and nature. The director shows hills and a baboon in water. The narrative helps with the non digetic sound in the background as it helps me know the mood in the movie. I don't need a voice over to tell me what is happening as I am able to see through ranges of shots and lighting. This documentary movie helps keep the audience engaged with the types of camera movements it uses when it wants to show something else for example showing the Baboon in the water from the hill.

The Black Hole

This film is all about greed. The character starts as a tired man and then to a antagonist when he keeps on taking the money which soon goes all wrong when he gets knocked inside. The narrative helps with the sound effects which describes the mood and gives hints of what's going to happened and cinematography which shows his body language and lighting representing the genre. I believe this movie helps keep the audience engaged as you want to see what is going on and what is going to happen. It is thriller/fantasy film through the use of cinematography and sound effects.

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