Monday 18 October 2010

Audience Feedback of 1st Pitch

This is the feedback I got from the first of my groups pitch. It was just a practice so we still had time for improvements.


-Idea came clear 
-Video link was good as it showed research
-Really simple and explained clearly  
-Every member had a part 

-Should of gave examples of pranks we planned to do
-Not very creative
-Interact with audience more

-Don’t have an audience
We were told that our film idea works because the genre markets our target audience who are family/young teenagers. However we this was told after out pitch because we didn't show or mention the list of pranks meaning we couldn't be told if it markets our audience and so was told we didn't have an audience.
Our characters are developing because in the development process the geek (Harry) is bullied and can't defend himself from the bully (Jack) but later on he sets up a list of pranks to set on the bully showing his built confidence and at the resolution he pushes Jack on the floor representing him as a completely different person to who he was before.

I think the most successful aspect of the idea was selling our story idea clearly which is one of the most important parts of a pitch because if the audience does not get the story, it will not sell.

I think what I and my group need to improve on is make our pitch more creative and interact with the audience much more. This is because if it is creative the audience will enjoy it and interacting with the public will make them feel part of the story. If we manage to achieve these two in our real pitch along with keeping our story clear and simple, I am sure it will be fantastic.

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