Thursday 7 October 2010

How To Take Stunning Pictures

I watched a programme the other day on

about how to take stunning pictures. The episode focused on Landscape and featured famous photographer Charlie Waite.

Here are most off the things I managed to write down and put up here.


• Always use a tripod, but don’t set it up until you’re really ready to shoot. Look around and explore through the viewfinder to find the correct frame.

• Look for reflections. A polarising filter will help control these and is best used when at an angle of 90 degrees to the sun.


• Bright sunlight takes colours out. Diffused light, such dawn, cloudy days and shade makes colours more intense

• Shoot at different times of day in the same location to discover which type of lighting will be best and most appealing.


• Research your location of choice. Many places would have been photographed before, so try to find a new angle.

• Look for different perspectives: climb a tree, stand from a angle or lie on the ground.


• Look for lines that draw your eyes into the shot. If you’ve driven somewhere, don’t necessarily frame out the road - it might provide good contrasting diagonal lines to create drama.

I feel this will help me with making my own film because I will need to take shots and they will need to be stunning in order for it to be effective and get the high grades.

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