Saturday 6 November 2010

Cast list and Casting issues

Main Characters

HARRY: Protagonist - This is the character who gets bullied by Jack and gets revenge on Jack due to he has had enough of it and wants to show Jack that he is not a wimp.

JACK: Antagonist - This is the bully in the film who picks on Harry all the time but soon gets pay back and because the victim instead.

Harry -  Played by Edward Obeng.
Jack - Played by me due to we can't  get any students of schedule and everyone outside school is to busy.
Teacher - Played by Joshua Freeland

Extras: played by school kids walking past.

Casting Issues
For the film I was told that the people we could use are students who do A2 Media Studies in Barking Abbey or people from outside of the school, but we can't use people in school as they will be in lessons.

This was an issue for my group because we had planned to use our friends in school who don't do Media which was because they fit in our characters and we could see some of them acting very well in their role. All of the people we knew from outside of school were busy in their schools or working so we couldn't use anyone from outside.

The other problem was that the other A2 Media class has only one boy while in our film the two characters are boys. What made things even worse was that Edward (the boy in the other class) is quiet and he has told me already that he hates acting.

At the end of the day there isn't anything we can do so he accepted to be in our film and we asked our teacher if I could be in the film and she accepted it as long as I am the bully because I can't be the main character which is Harry.

Hopefully things will go according to plan after this and our film will go well.

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