Thursday 16 December 2010

My Film Poster

Below are my three final posters that I made.

This poster took me a total of 1 hour to think and 35 minutes to make. I made this poster on I feel this poster is good because it reveals the genre without too much information as well as the main character. Although it reveals its genre and what the audience should expect it doesn't reveal much about the theme. The colour were chosen to reveal the genre as I wanted my audience to be attracted to it.
The feedback I received from this was good and everyone said that it follows the codes and conventions of a typical comedy film poster. The few negative comments that I got were that the picture shouldn't be animation which I thougth was a weak point. Others said if the picture was more clear and if it shown his whole body it would have looked much better. Overall this poster came 2nd place.

This was my last poster that I made on PowerPoint and perhaps my best one as it got the best feedback. It took me around 45 to think of how and what to do and 30 minutes to make. I wanted my final poster to feature some sort of prank or picking on that is included in the film so that my target audience will get the picture of what will be included in my film. I really like this poster because of its colours and fonts. The fonts show it is a comedy film by the way it looks and the colours match each other as it appears on the title and characters.

The feedback I received from this was great with my group and external people telling me it looked catchy and will appeal to younger audiences. From this I asked some young people in my church what they thought of it and all of them said they liked it, one even saying they wanted to watch my film. I also asked some older audiences and one even compared it to the poster of 'Little Man'.  This poster came 3rd.

Above is the final poster that I made that took me about 45 minutes to make. I feel that this poster communicates with the audience through the use of font style, colour and layout, however I still think that I could of added something tol make it stand out. The feedback I got from this was good but people told me I needed to put more time in it. From their feedback I added the review from Empire, chnaged the colours of the fonts and changed the font so that it looked more comedy. The thing I like about this poster is the fact that it uses a range of colours to attract the target audience. This is something I feel will help make the poster stand out as it will pull people to look at it.

The font style was chosen because it is of a comedy element and some people say mystery element. Both are good because even though are film isn't mystery we use enigmic code in the opening when we don't reveal Harrys face.

The black colour was used in the title and tagline to be readable and also because it connotates authority and power which is suitable for my film poster because authority and power and seen in the film. Red and yellow are used in the review to bring out the happy aand positive side as well as seek attention. The layout also received credit because people told me it followed the codes and conventions of some comedy posters. This came 1st.

One that I didn't finish due to time.

This poster took me around 1hour to make because I needed to make sure that I followed the codes and conventions of real media texts. I made this poster on Photoshop which at first I found hard due to the difficult context and toom uch detail , but later got the hand of it from help. What I like about this poster is the fact  it looks like a real poster with the images and fonts.

I decided to put the fonts in red becauase they connotate revenge, justice and stop which are themes in the film and what goes on in the film. I feel my audience will understand this and relate with it because red is a very popular colour that appeals to all ages, ethnicity and gender and I doubt anyone will be put of it. Red is also a catchy colour which I feel will grab the attention of my audience.

The colour blue is used as the background to mix with red and to make the pictures and images to stand out. To be precised I used light blue which will appeal to everyone because it is a very popular colour as it apparently looks atrractive. It also represents happiness, fun and freedom which again are all seen in the film.

The feedback from this poster was slightly over average. Poeple told me it was smart and that they knew what I was trying to do but said if the pictures were of better quality it would have been great. From this I learn't that the picture means alot when it is of better quality because it makes the overall poster appeal to my audience better. This is because the audience want to see the characters who wiill be in the film so that they will have an idea before going to watch the film.

However I wasn't able to finish it because of technical problems.

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