Wednesday 22 September 2010


For preparation for our film production, we watched a French film directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet named 'Amelie' in school and so I chose to pick my best shots and possible shots that I could use or similar in my own 5 minute film.

This is an establishing shot that was used in the opening of the film to tell the audience the location and setting of the film. It also represents the type of lifestyle the character Amelie is living which is a dark life as she never received love as a youngster but has a bit of light as she likes to help out other peoples life.

You can not really see the houses in detail suggesting that they are not great and could mean that the people living there are all similar which is they all have a dark personality. The lighting reflects on the street showing that something is about to happen on it which is exactly what happened as a car went past.

The fact that the set design is not in colour suggests that the mood of the story isn't going to start of great

I like this shot because it tells me a lot about the beginning even though it has just started. The colour, lighting etc means a lot when portraying something. I chose to put this shot up because I feel I could learn from it and possibly if suitable use in my own film as it will help as it is a silent film.

This is a long shot of Amelie on a bridge throwing stones into a lake. This shot is used to represent her mood and personality. I know this through her body language and costume, setting and lighting.
  • Her body language tells the audience that she is active and doing probably a hobby.
  • Her costume is red which can represent energy, active and passion.
  • It is set in the woods which could mean she is a naturalist and enjoys her time in the outside environment.
  • The selective lighting reveals the trees showing nature and also the lighting is natural showing Amelie's fun side.
As the long shot is wide it produces space for her affecting the overall look and making her look free supporting her mood and personality.

I like this shot as it represents her life in all elements of the Mise en Scene. It is effective as it tells the audience how she is feeling through the lighting and setting and tells us about her as a character.

This shot could help me with my work as I can use all elements of Mise en Scene to tell a story, which is very important for a silent film.

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