Sunday 7 November 2010

Long Sound effects (Non Digetic sound for film)

For my A2 Media coursework, we are to make a 5minute film. As well as doing continuity and being assistant Director, I am also in charge of sound. Below are some music soundtracks that I have made as well as taken.


This sound was made by me in the music room. I decided to use this bit during when Harry gets squirted water at, community service, flashback until he gets an idea. It starts of very slowly which will represent the mood of Harry as he is really upset and annoyed. At this point the audience will feel sympathy for him. He then sees the prank magazine, smiles, looks at camera showing he has an idea. As the theme continues you will hear a change in sound and tempo first going fast and slowing when he gets the idea. 


This sound was also made by me and planning to use it in the opening sequence when Harry wakes up and getting ready to go to school. During this scene we will not show his face but just his costume and set of his bedroom to make the audience guess what type of character Harry is. I believe this theme will work because it is pop/rock which are music associated with geeks. It also build up the scne with the drum noise

  This one wasn't made by me but chosen becasue it represents the character development of Harry. It is a very serious and fierce sound which goes with the name. I wil like to include this when Harry comes to school the next day feeling more confident to stand up to the bully. I believe It will match this part of the film because it shows a new side of him. It is also very different to the sound i want to use in the opening to represent Harry as a geek. 3)

Name: Action Hero

Name: Caribbean Jive 4)
I got this one from the same website as the one above called audio lgfl. This is planned to be used in the reaction shot when Harry sees one of his pranks has worked. In this shot Harry will be dancing. I feel this will make our audience laugh which is one of my aims so it will be great. It will match Harrys personality because he is very old school and doesn't know any music so him dancing to this track will make him look even more of a geek.

This one was made by me and I chose to use it as a 1st choice for when Harry is setting up the pranks. This is because it builds up the a scene and a sense that something it going to happen. This part of the film is supposed to keep the audience more focused which is because Harry is making something to destroy Jacks confidence and the audience will need to see what Harry is going to do to make it happen. That is why I chose to use sound in this part, in particular this one.

Unlike the one above I didn'tmake this one and so chose to put it as a back up just in case of anything. I chose to pick this sound amongst others because of its fun and uplifting beat. Like I said earlier I will need to keep the audience engaged at this point so using a fun and uplifting beat will keep them awake and watching.6)

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