Friday 10 December 2010

My Review page for Empire Magazine

This was my first draft of my review page that I made from Publisher. From this I clearly can see that I made some errors and it didn't look to much of a Empire film review. The things that I saw didn't look good were that I didn't take too much space. What I learnt was that film magazines pay for their page so wasting space wasn't something clever to do. The writing was too short and so I wanted to make it longer by speaking about my story in detail and by following the codes and conventions of Empire magazine.
                                                                                                      First Review

To me the thing that I found the easiest was writing about my film and reporting it in the Empire magazine format. I feel that writing about my story was easy because I know from beginning to end and I can speak about it without giving too much information. Writing and reporting it in the Empire format was another thing easy because first of all I read the magazine after buying it and so it helped me know the type of writing style they use. Another point is what they said to someone under frequently asked questions in which they said "Never use Dear Sir/Madam" All those go straight in to the bin. This told me that I didn't need to bother too much on my writing and language and can just write normally with a cool and funny edge to it. It also helped because I never write using Dear Sir/Madam.
The feedback I received from this was really bad because people told me it looks rushed and I should do another one to make sure it comes out well. From that I learn't I should be looking at the Empire review page on the magazine to see what I need to do and include making my review page look more real and professional.

Second ReviewThe feedback I received on my first draft of the review I took on to do my second one. This review page was completed two days later. Just like my first draft I didn't include everything I was supposed  to and was told to fill up the space. My teacher already told me it was important to fill up the spaces so that was one thing I knew I had to remember.

I wanted to make the information about the other films below look interesting so I made up two films and put a picture there to make it look realistic while the other one is already a made up film. I found this part the easiest as it wasn't really hard and I just had to use my creative mind. The hardest was trying to think of a picture that will suit the review as it had to look real and suit the genre and what the review was about.

This is my final review that I made. This is definitely the best one because there are hardly any mistakes and I took everything onboard that I was told before about my review.  
     I wanted to make sure that everything looked good and tried my best to make sure that errors were not included even though it was really hard. To make this happen I read the Empire review page again and again to make sure that I knew what to do.

Final Review

Compared to the real Empire review page I believe that I have done a good job with the time I was given.

The hardest parts of making the review page was taking adding all the extra bits that featured on the Empire page and making the picture representing my film fill its part of the page without it looking blurry or too stretched. Adding the extras onto my review only would have made it look much better and look more of an Empire review page. I had to make sure that it went in the correct place on the page. My picture needed to look good and fill its part of the page well because if it didn't it would of looked amateurish and fake.  
The best parts was writing and choosing the fonts because I knew what it should look like through the magazine I have.
Overall I think my review page is good because it's my first one and review pages are something I don't look at when reading a magazine. With the time I was given as well I feel I used it wisely as I managed to get it done even with three drafts.

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