Tuesday 4 January 2011

Question 4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

New media technologies were used in the making of my film, some in order to make it look better, real or professional and others for it to even happen.

Throughout the pre production, production and post production I used a type of technology that was best suited for example Microsoft Word was used for pre production because it was simple and easy to put down our preparations. The research part included me looking at films, genres etc. In the research stage I used the Internet a lot because this was the part that I needed to find out things like making good silent films and do things like making my own film with only pictures. Websites like Google, YouTube and Wikipedia became popular as I wanted information on things. The benefits of using them were that I could find everything I wanted. I used YouTube to watch short films the same genre as mine and I used Wikipedia to get background information on things that were hidden or not included. These helped a lot with my research because I didn’t struggle looking for anything. On the internet I also looked for sound that was copyright free to use in my final film which was important as some sound were needed. Another part of technology on the internet I used was Blogger. I used blogger to see what the previous years did and how they used research. This was because I wanted to know why they researched certain things and how it helped with their film and ancillary task.

The blog was used to create most of our ideas and written work because it had everything there that was able to do it. This allowed me to put my work up in a certain style and format that WORD can not do, however it also had its disadvantages because it didn’t allow me to put some things up that it didn’t recognize from sites

During our planning process which included script, treatment, storyboard, pitch etc I used Microsoft Word for the script and treatment as this only featured writing and nothing else. The advantages were that it was simple. I used a new technology when it came to the pitch. I started of by using PowerPoint and when it was finished I put it on Slide Share. Although Slide Share isn’t new it was the first time I used it. In the planning process I also used the Cannon XHA1 camera and Rycote Windshield System for practise just to reframe and remind us of how to us them. These technologies were used due to their quality, features and their ability to pick up things we couldn’t. They were good because they helped us in making the film appear better and producing a great film.

As I was in charge of sound I used the Rycote Windshield System. I used it by holding it in the position the action was taken place and near the camera because that was how to pick up the best quality of sound possible which enabled me to use it properly.

In the evaluation stage I used the most technology. This part I created my poster, review page and shot my film. For my review page I only used Publisher because I only wanted it to be A4 page size. I used Publisher by placing my picture on a part of the page and included writing and which allowed me to make it look realistic and helped me to check if it looked right or not. For my poster I used all different types like Photoshop, PowerPoint, and Publisher etc. This was because I wanted my poster to look really good so using different types of technologies would of helped me choose which one looked best and then to get feedback on. I used all the technologies the same way by changing things round to see how they appear. The advantages of Photoshop are that it really makes the poster look like a poster but it is very complicated to use and takes too much time. PowerPoint and Publisher are simple but not the best of quality.

The best one in my opinion is Publisher only because it’s best at producing posters and still does it to a great extent and can be done without too much time.

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