Thursday 16 December 2010

My Film Poster

Below are my three final posters that I made.

This poster took me a total of 1 hour to think and 35 minutes to make. I made this poster on I feel this poster is good because it reveals the genre without too much information as well as the main character. Although it reveals its genre and what the audience should expect it doesn't reveal much about the theme. The colour were chosen to reveal the genre as I wanted my audience to be attracted to it.
The feedback I received from this was good and everyone said that it follows the codes and conventions of a typical comedy film poster. The few negative comments that I got were that the picture shouldn't be animation which I thougth was a weak point. Others said if the picture was more clear and if it shown his whole body it would have looked much better. Overall this poster came 2nd place.

This was my last poster that I made on PowerPoint and perhaps my best one as it got the best feedback. It took me around 45 to think of how and what to do and 30 minutes to make. I wanted my final poster to feature some sort of prank or picking on that is included in the film so that my target audience will get the picture of what will be included in my film. I really like this poster because of its colours and fonts. The fonts show it is a comedy film by the way it looks and the colours match each other as it appears on the title and characters.

The feedback I received from this was great with my group and external people telling me it looked catchy and will appeal to younger audiences. From this I asked some young people in my church what they thought of it and all of them said they liked it, one even saying they wanted to watch my film. I also asked some older audiences and one even compared it to the poster of 'Little Man'.  This poster came 3rd.

Above is the final poster that I made that took me about 45 minutes to make. I feel that this poster communicates with the audience through the use of font style, colour and layout, however I still think that I could of added something tol make it stand out. The feedback I got from this was good but people told me I needed to put more time in it. From their feedback I added the review from Empire, chnaged the colours of the fonts and changed the font so that it looked more comedy. The thing I like about this poster is the fact that it uses a range of colours to attract the target audience. This is something I feel will help make the poster stand out as it will pull people to look at it.

The font style was chosen because it is of a comedy element and some people say mystery element. Both are good because even though are film isn't mystery we use enigmic code in the opening when we don't reveal Harrys face.

The black colour was used in the title and tagline to be readable and also because it connotates authority and power which is suitable for my film poster because authority and power and seen in the film. Red and yellow are used in the review to bring out the happy aand positive side as well as seek attention. The layout also received credit because people told me it followed the codes and conventions of some comedy posters. This came 1st.

One that I didn't finish due to time.

This poster took me around 1hour to make because I needed to make sure that I followed the codes and conventions of real media texts. I made this poster on Photoshop which at first I found hard due to the difficult context and toom uch detail , but later got the hand of it from help. What I like about this poster is the fact  it looks like a real poster with the images and fonts.

I decided to put the fonts in red becauase they connotate revenge, justice and stop which are themes in the film and what goes on in the film. I feel my audience will understand this and relate with it because red is a very popular colour that appeals to all ages, ethnicity and gender and I doubt anyone will be put of it. Red is also a catchy colour which I feel will grab the attention of my audience.

The colour blue is used as the background to mix with red and to make the pictures and images to stand out. To be precised I used light blue which will appeal to everyone because it is a very popular colour as it apparently looks atrractive. It also represents happiness, fun and freedom which again are all seen in the film.

The feedback from this poster was slightly over average. Poeple told me it was smart and that they knew what I was trying to do but said if the pictures were of better quality it would have been great. From this I learn't that the picture means alot when it is of better quality because it makes the overall poster appeal to my audience better. This is because the audience want to see the characters who wiill be in the film so that they will have an idea before going to watch the film.

However I wasn't able to finish it because of technical problems.

Character Profile

Name: Harry Park

Description on paper
  • Brushed hair shows he is prepared for school
  • Hand waving shows his chessy side as well as his kind side
  • Thinks he looks good but doesn't
  • Glasses follows codes and conventions of geeky characters in films
  • Very smart and tries to look presentable
  • Hi Tech trainers shows he has no 'swagger' or fashion.

 Age: 16
D.O.B: 13/4/96
Gender: Male
Lives With: Mum
Current Address: 17 Hipick roads, Dagenham Essex, RM10 2GD
Health: Healthy as he does exercise at home.

Hobbies: Loves reading, learning about the past, doing Maths, exploring and doing drawing when upset
Personality: Speaks to himself, shy, quiet
Future career: Mathematician, Historian, Artist or Insect Researcher

Ethnic Background: Black British
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Relationship with other people: Single and a loner and plans to stay that way

He reacts to bullying by doing community service. This is because he enjoys working and helping out in a quite environment. Working on his own is also something he likes doing so community service is perfect for him.
Harry does not have any friends so this is why he acts shy and scared most of the time. He thinks friendship is rubbish and it never ends positive. The only person he speaks to is his mum and nan.

Name: Jack Harrison

Description on paper
  • Music fan and follows the new trend of ear phones
  • Shows his personality
  • Attitude shown by his facial expression
  • Make of clothes tells audience he wants to look good and current
  • Baggy trousers represents ' Gangster' fashion culture
Age: 16
D.O.B: 10/1/96
Gender: Male
Lives With: Mum and 4 older brothers
Current Address: Sanding road, Barking Essex, IG11 6BD
Health: Healthy as he does boxing and cage fighting
Hobbies: Boxing, being a hooligan, fighting
Personality: Bullies smaller and weaker people, selfish, vicious
Future career: Boxer or Cage fighter
Ethnic Background: Black British
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Relationship with other people : Thinks he is popular but isn’t

Jack bullies mainly because he has nothing else to do in school and finds school boring. He is also bigger than Harry so uses it to his advantage. The fact that boxing and fighting are things he enjoys doing makes bullying even more fun for him.

Jack is a ring leader and most people beg friend and hang around with him so that they do not become victims of his bullying.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Comedy Film Posters

As my film is a comedy I wanted to find research on how most comedy film posters look like. This is because I will be making a poster so getting information on the best way a comedy film poster look likes will be great.

Below are some comedy film posters

What I like about the comedy film posters above are that it is clear what genre they are and they don't give to much information. For example the first one 'The Hangover' shows it's a comedy by the tagline, costumes and expression of men and the layout. Just friends shows a funnt picture and includes a tagline that will make their target audience laugh.

What I will like to take from these posters is how they make their genre clear and not too much information as the audience will konw what to expect but to a certain extent.

I also found ones that I really like and feel could use tips and ideas for my final film posters. These are

One reason I thought Home Alone's poster could be used as an idea is because it is similar to my film in the sense that they both appeal to a younger audience and both feature pranks. The border of the poster is light blue with a black background on each side of the window which I feel connotates the time of the day the main action of the film takes place as well as the time of the year which is winter and Christmas due to the snow. This is important to them because they will want to give their audience clues on what and when something will happen.

Mise en scene is used to represent the storyline and characters. Kevin is wearing a red jumper which could represent trouble or danger. The two men are wearing black which could represent evil . The lighting are used to reveal the characters and I feel that it helps tell the audiecne when the film is taken place which is Christmas. There is a contrast between the light and dark areas of the poster. The dark areas are natural lighting while the light areas are artifical lighting.

The fact that the poster is in colour makes the overall image look more appealing. This is because you can see all the extra details properly which is important so that any hidden or small message is seen by their target audience.

 In the background I can see a huge window which is the window in Kevin's house. These are represented to show that a house is part of a film and possibly the main location used.

I feel that this poster is intended to target kids. This is due to the medium shot of Kevin and his facial expressions showing that he is scared with two men on each side in the background with evil smiles showing they are the antagonists. I feel that kids will relate to it as the character is a young boy and possibly their own age. Persuasive techniques are used in the poster as it is divided into four parts with each of the antagonist in the top corner and Kevin taking the op and bottom.

Attention is gained through the use body language and facial expressions. As Kevin's face is in shock it may bring humour to their target audience. This will make them want to go and watch the film as they think it will be funny. The tagline of the film may also make them laugh as it includes triple emphasis with a funny joke suggesting that the film is a comedy.

I believe that the poster is effective because it gives the audience information about the film as well as its genre which is really important for a film poster to do. The audience will relate with the poster as hints are included like characters and location.

What I will like to take from this poster is the way Kevin the protagonist is shown and portrayed. It is very clear he is the main character and the protagonist. The type of character he is, is represented through his body language and facial expression.

This poster almost uses every colour and if not it uses every colour. I think this is because it is a family and children's film and so wants to make the poster look happy and fun otherwise it wouldn't suit its genre. Also because of the type of characters seen in the poster who are the protagonists and the main characters meaning colour will represent them as popular, fun and good.

The costume of the characters shows the type of film it will be. They are all wearing different clothing styles suggesting a variety of personalities and situations.

The atmosphere created by the lighting in the poster also makes it look more fun as it shows the characters and setting in more detail. It makes the setting look neat and like a joyful place to be despite the characters reaction. The setting is a daycare were little kids play with toys showing that the toy characters belong there.

The message that comes across in the poster is visual as you can see their facial expressions and their body language. Some seem to be scared and others shocked suggesting where they are they haven't been or don't want to be there. Beyond what I can see the poster it tells me that the characters have a close relationship and that there is hierachy in the group with Woody in front as the leader. 

I believe that the intended audience for this poster is children because they use toys as characters. This will appeal to them because children play with toys and to see toys as characters in a film they will like to watch, will excite them.
The poster gets the public to think what exactly is going on or about to happen and this will make them go and watch the film.

The first thing you see when looking at the poster is the fact that everyone is in the centre, behind one another. The long shot doesn't only show their body language but also them as characters introducing them to their target audience.

The tagline will bring excitement to their fans as it says it is the breakout comedy of the year basically meaning it is the best comedy film in the summer. The fact that it is written as it is a fact will also attract the attention of people because the public want to be sure that what they are going to watch is going to be a hit film.

It tells me a lot about their production company by the quality of the poster. The quality is really good and everything neat with nothing looking wrong showing time and dedication.

Overall I feel the poster is effective as it suits its target audience. I don't feel there is anything included in the poster that may harm the marketing campaign or offend anyone in anyway. This is because nothing on the poster is offensive or harmful.

What I will like to take from this is the camera shot. I feel it makes it look much more interesting and represents the characters in a better way as they look more scared and shocked.

Friday 10 December 2010

My Review page for Empire Magazine

This was my first draft of my review page that I made from Publisher. From this I clearly can see that I made some errors and it didn't look to much of a Empire film review. The things that I saw didn't look good were that I didn't take too much space. What I learnt was that film magazines pay for their page so wasting space wasn't something clever to do. The writing was too short and so I wanted to make it longer by speaking about my story in detail and by following the codes and conventions of Empire magazine.
                                                                                                      First Review

To me the thing that I found the easiest was writing about my film and reporting it in the Empire magazine format. I feel that writing about my story was easy because I know from beginning to end and I can speak about it without giving too much information. Writing and reporting it in the Empire format was another thing easy because first of all I read the magazine after buying it and so it helped me know the type of writing style they use. Another point is what they said to someone under frequently asked questions in which they said "Never use Dear Sir/Madam" All those go straight in to the bin. This told me that I didn't need to bother too much on my writing and language and can just write normally with a cool and funny edge to it. It also helped because I never write using Dear Sir/Madam.
The feedback I received from this was really bad because people told me it looks rushed and I should do another one to make sure it comes out well. From that I learn't I should be looking at the Empire review page on the magazine to see what I need to do and include making my review page look more real and professional.

Second ReviewThe feedback I received on my first draft of the review I took on to do my second one. This review page was completed two days later. Just like my first draft I didn't include everything I was supposed  to and was told to fill up the space. My teacher already told me it was important to fill up the spaces so that was one thing I knew I had to remember.

I wanted to make the information about the other films below look interesting so I made up two films and put a picture there to make it look realistic while the other one is already a made up film. I found this part the easiest as it wasn't really hard and I just had to use my creative mind. The hardest was trying to think of a picture that will suit the review as it had to look real and suit the genre and what the review was about.

This is my final review that I made. This is definitely the best one because there are hardly any mistakes and I took everything onboard that I was told before about my review.  
     I wanted to make sure that everything looked good and tried my best to make sure that errors were not included even though it was really hard. To make this happen I read the Empire review page again and again to make sure that I knew what to do.

Final Review

Compared to the real Empire review page I believe that I have done a good job with the time I was given.

The hardest parts of making the review page was taking adding all the extra bits that featured on the Empire page and making the picture representing my film fill its part of the page without it looking blurry or too stretched. Adding the extras onto my review only would have made it look much better and look more of an Empire review page. I had to make sure that it went in the correct place on the page. My picture needed to look good and fill its part of the page well because if it didn't it would of looked amateurish and fake.  
The best parts was writing and choosing the fonts because I knew what it should look like through the magazine I have.
Overall I think my review page is good because it's my first one and review pages are something I don't look at when reading a magazine. With the time I was given as well I feel I used it wisely as I managed to get it done even with three drafts.

Annotations of pages from magazines

From the pages above it is very clear how they try to connect with the audience. First they show a range of films that are likely to appeal to their audience. This will make their audience buy the magazine and increase the magazines profit.  

Giving information about the film will also help as their target audience will buy the magazine to know what film they will enjoy. The verdict will help them decide on whether to watch a film or not as it rates films which the reader will look at.

The text and colour will help attract audiences as the colour catches the readers attention and the text matches the narrative of the film.

The film title is also in big fonts which will help promote the film as it is obvious for the reader to see.

Review pages have a huge influence on the success of a film because they rate films which the audience will see and decide to watch the films that are rated high because they want to spend money on something with quality.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Film Posters Research

What is a poster?
A poster is a a sign mainly of paper posted up in public places and used to promote or advertise something.

What do they include?
Dates, times, costing, pictures, text, title etc.

Where can you find them?
You can find them almost anywhere public like billboards, tube stations, buses, walls, bus stations etc.

Film posters
A film poster is the same thing but it features persuasive information about a film including cast, title, genre, director etc.
Things included in film posters to catch the publics attention are use of colour, font, headins, tagline, pictures etc.

As seen above film posters change over time mainly by the use of colour, text, info on production crew.

But what is always inluded is the type of film it will be in other words genre. The first picture is comedy seen by body language and actors, the second is crime seen by the gun prop the man is holding/ romantic by the woman looking and drama by the layout. The last one is a thriller seen by the colour, statues behind Tom Hanks, types of statues and facial expression of Tom Hanks.